Good enough -- it sounds like settling. Shouldn't we be striving for perfection in everything that we do? No, we shouldn't. Perfect doesn't exist (sorry, Plato). Therefore, pursuing it is a pointless exercise. It's also mentally unhealthy. No matter how much effort you put into something, there will always be flaws and potential improvements. Since perfection is unobtainable, making it your goal dooms you to failure and unhappiness.
Good enough should be the target. To me, good enough means it met all of my criteria and I'm satisfied. Content. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to improve; it means that your goal should be contentment, not perfection.
Try making good enough your standard. Is your home spotless or just clean enough? Is your client presentation perfect or merely exceeding expectations? Most everything can be improved, but perfect doesn't exist. View your life through the lens of good enough. You'll be happier and more at peace.